You Shop We Ship - Another partner for KSFA

You Shop…we ship!™ 

Our service has become synonymous and well-known with the local on-line shopping community.

Our services cater for individuals who prefer to shop on-line. 


The service provides a flexible and cost effective logistical solution for on-line shoppers purchasing from overseas retailers; currently unable to ship to Malta; or offering shipping charges that are considered to be on the high side.


You Shop…we ship main delivery hubs are in U.K. and Italy.


For additional information please do not hesitate to contact us at


Who is the Champion in Speedfishing?

     There are a lot of different techniques for fishing competition but there is one which surely is a game changer when fishing certain venues, Speed Fishing. Not all anglers like this type of fishing but all those practise it do say that they are the best. This year our Club has...
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Fishing Mania Charters

  When you hear KSFA Malta you know that you can find expert advise on different type of shore fishing techniques. This year KSFA is collaborating with boat fishing expert Piere Galea of Fishing Mania Charters.  They offer a lot of different services mainly being: Half Day Fishing...
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A run through the KSFA Doubles League 2018

  On the 7th January our Club had it's Annual General Meeting and since the KSFA Al Legna Doubles League starts a couple of days afterwards the competitors started chatting about the Doubles League at the dawn of 2018. This year there was a main difference that technically affected all Fishing...
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