You Shop We Ship - Another partner for KSFA

You Shop…we ship!™ 

Our service has become synonymous and well-known with the local on-line shopping community.

Our services cater for individuals who prefer to shop on-line. 


The service provides a flexible and cost effective logistical solution for on-line shoppers purchasing from overseas retailers; currently unable to ship to Malta; or offering shipping charges that are considered to be on the high side.


You Shop…we ship main delivery hubs are in U.K. and Italy.


For additional information please do not hesitate to contact us at


Charles Grech and Fortune Calafato win the marshall's doubles

Final match for the doubles 2013 league was held today in Sa Maison marina in excellent weather conditions.    Fortune Calafato and Charles Grech won the day with an overall weight of 1.8kgs of breams some of which where 2 nice sized giltheads and the rest mainly annular breams and...
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Jason Saliba deservedly clinches first singles match

Today the 7th of April ushered in two very important leagues. The KSFA singles league and the National league.   In fact today`s match was valid for both leagues, as it was held in conjunction with BSea Sports fishing assoc also an NFSAM member. In all some 47 anglers participated in this...
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Marshall's list for Singles League 2013

Here's an updated list for marshalling the singles league 2013 .......   First match scheduled for Xghajra Zabbar alternative Birgu Toqba. This year's Singles League will be fished as a joint league with the National Federation League and thus venue information can not be provided at this time...
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