Venue change for KSFA Tubertini Doubles 3rd match

KSFA will be holding its 3rd doubles match on Sunday 15th March.

This had to be originally held at Boiler Wharf in the picturesque City of Senglea but due to unforeseen circumstances, this venue had to be changed.

But KSFA still decided to keep true to Senglea, as now it has been decided that this match will be held at Senglea waterfront instead.

The anglers will be meeting at 0600 near our Lady`s Shrine for bait distribution.

Actual competition will start at 0700 to fish till 1100.

Chief marshalls for this match will be: Steve Johnston & Adrian Zahra, being assisted by David Collins and Jonathan Vella and by Stefan Borg  & Luke Camilleri.


Fortune Calafato wins this year's Johnston Singles League 2019

  Today dawned a cloudy morning, which set the stage for Match 2 of the Singles Finals League that had to declare this year’s singles league champion. And pride of place this year went to Fortune Calafato, who also managed to win both Final Matches in the process, runner up was Maverick...
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KSFA Johnston Singles League 2019 Finals - Match 1

This morning the 10 finalists of the Singles Johnston league battled it out at Sliema Ferries, unfortunately the match had to be stopped prematurely due to unforeseen circumstances and for fairness sake, but it still counts since more then half the match had gone by. 1st Overall today went to...
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KSFA Johnston Singles League Match 3 Report & Results

  Today under the scorching sun, the KSFA Johnston Singles League Match 3 was held on the rocky open sea of Xghajra. After the  disappointing results of Match 2 were weights were really poor, expectations this time around were high since this was the first time this year that the weather...
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KSFA Doubles Match 3 Report & Results -

Fortune & Gilson have a field day of 7.45kgs.   What had to be doubles match 3 fished in February cancelled due storms, was fished today and what a day it was with the sea at Zonqor Point just having a slight surface breeze on it. Fish caught was abundant and in the mood of...
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KSFA Johnston Singles League Details

In a week's time the KSFA Johnston Singles Singles League 2019 shall commence. This league is different from the Doubles league were it is divided in 2 parts. The first four competitions are on weight basis system with no sections. It should be noted that an angler can skip any of these matches...
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