Two Maltese National Anglers feature on Italian Fishing Magazines

2 well known Maltese anglers were both fetured on Italian popular fishing magazines Pesca Da Terra and Pesca In Mare.


Fortune Calafato from Birzebbuga, currently leading the KSFA Singles league with a good margin, featured in Pesca in Mare magazine after the great result he achieved in the European Float Fishing Championships in Algeciras Spain. He was shot with a nice bream in hand he caught after a 20min fight on light 0.10mm line on a 7mtr rod. 

Carmelo Quattrocchi the Maltese Italian who also formed part of Team Malta B in european float fishing championships 2013 in Algeciras Spain was also featured in an article on float fishing on the Pesca Da Terra magazine in Italy.

Both anglers will also be part of the National Federation Teams representing Malta this year in San Benedetto Del Tronto in June 2014.





KSFA Cisk Lager Mullet 2019 League

     This Sunday 15th September the Mullet league shall start. A total of 17 anglers have registered till now. Vouchers per match shall be Euro 50 , Euro 40 , Euro 30 for the Top 3 anglers. Final Overall Vouchers shall be Euro 75 , Euro 60 and Euro 50 for the Top 3 Positions. We wish...
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Fortune Calafato wins this year's Johnston Singles League 2019

  Today dawned a cloudy morning, which set the stage for Match 2 of the Singles Finals League that had to declare this year’s singles league champion. And pride of place this year went to Fortune Calafato, who also managed to win both Final Matches in the process, runner up was Maverick...
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KSFA Johnston Singles League 2019 Finals - Match 1

This morning the 10 finalists of the Singles Johnston league battled it out at Sliema Ferries, unfortunately the match had to be stopped prematurely due to unforeseen circumstances and for fairness sake, but it still counts since more then half the match had gone by. 1st Overall today went to...
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