Umami is an evolutionary, realistic floating bait with versatile application at both shallow and deep spots.
It is an ideal bait for deep jigging action. Equipped with an air chamber, it never lies down on the bottom, but stays inclined imitating a feeding fry with maximum realistic...
2 well known Maltese anglers were both fetured on Italian popular fishing magazines Pesca Da Terra and Pesca In Mare.
Fortune Calafato from Birzebbuga, currently leading the KSFA Singles league with a good margin, featured in Pesca in Mare magazine after the great result he achieved in the...
Though the ages fishing in Malta has evolved from a way of hunting fish for food to becoming more sport oriented.
In the following blog mantained regularly by a true self disciplined angler from Birzebbuga one can read how sport fishing in Malta is becoming more popular and true loving...