Tubertini Malta - The DUO match and feeder seatboxes offer

Seat box special offer FREE

Spend €500 on tubertini high quality tackle from Tubertini Malta and get this versatile seat box for FREE.

2015 Products now in

this offer no in conjunction with any other discount / voucher scheme.



You Shop We Ship Goes Fishing

Ever wondered of getting your reels over from UK?Afraid of purchasing a good fishing rod online beacuse of too high shipping costs?You found a good bargain on a seatbox but you're being charged too much for shipping?Some good fishing shops online from where you can benefit from wonderful...
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Nelson continues were he left off in doubles league.

Adrian Nelson today confirmed his undisputed superiority by going all the way to win todays first Singles league match, thereby continuing were he left off from the doubles league. He used many techniques, and this can easily be seen through the variety of fish he caught. Ranging from an assortment...
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