The Unstoppable Pair

Brian and Sandro win doubles league in style.


Brian Farrugia and Sandro Zammit are the winners of the KSFA doubles league which they won in style, landing no less than then 6.23kgs during the final match held on Sunday. 


After the minor hiccup they had in the Gozo match from which they had slipped to second place, they certainly came back with a bang even if James Gilson and Jonathan Aquilina captured second place with the same amount of points but Brian and Sandro had the better weight by far after this match.

In third place we have Kevin Cassar and Saviour Borg who leap frogged from fifth place. Indeed it was an exciting league!

Winners of the day were: 


1st Overall:Sandro Zammit & Brian Farrugia 6.23Kgs
2nd Saviour Borg & Kevin Cassar 4.21kgs
3rd Clayton Camilleri & Charlo Borg 2.35kgs
Next up will be the mullet league which will get under way on the 21st September.


The final Doubles League classification:


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