Summer 2016 Events
21/09/2016 21:42
The marathon Mit-Tfal ghat-tfal has come and gone, and what a success it was, where close to 50 children took part in this great event to raise funds for Qalb It-tfal in aid of the Intensive care unit in Mater Dei.
Our young lads and lasses fished for 3 hours and in the process...
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Mit-Tfal Ghat-Tfal 2016 Fishing Marathon
19/08/2016 17:12After last year's success this year KSFA will again be organising a 3hr fishing marathon, aptly called Mit-Tfal Ghat-Tfal. This is none other than a fishing marathon where our young ones will be spend a good 3hrs fishing for a good cause. This year's edition will be to collect funds for Qalb...
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John Attard triumphs on the day as Nelson seals his 2nd consecutive Singles League Title!
31/07/2016 20:55The last match of KSFA singles league was held this very morning at Manoel Island Gzira.
It was a still morning with hardly a breeze, clear sky's and crystal clear waters. A dawn to behold of our lovely Island.
As was expected of this venue the parrot fish ruled the day, especially in section...
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Mister Fish Albacore season offer
04/07/2016 20:14Watch out in all Mister Fish outlets for just 125 euros you'll be well equipped for the albacore season
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KSFA Singles match 4 - St Angelo Fort
03/07/2016 18:32The 4th KSFA singles league match was today held under Fort Saint Angelo in Birgu.
It has been a while since a competition was held there and very much was expected from this venue.
Did it live up to these expectations ? Not really as bites were few and far between.
But by sheer...
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Roberto Bugeja takes top spot in Singles 3
05/06/2016 19:55Roberto Bugeja takes top spot in Singles 3.
The scene was set for KSFA's singles 3 at il-Foss Valletta, and what a breathtaking scene it was of our beautiful Capital City. But our anglers had another scene in mind, and that being none other then the fishing scene of course.
It was a relatively...
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