The Kingfisher Annual Lunch Gathering at Dolmen Hotel

Kingfisher Sport Fishing Association Christmas Lunch

Venue: Dolmen Hotel Bugibba

Date: 13th December 2013

Time: 12.00 noon

Adults: 20 Euro
Kids :  10 Euro ( 5-11years)

Trophies to the mullet league winners and 3 day Tournament will be presented.

Those interested are to send SMS or call Steve on 7939 1300 by not later than the 10th December 2013.



Summer 2016 Events

    The marathon Mit-Tfal ghat-tfal has come and gone, and what a success it was, where close to 50 children took part in this great event to raise funds for Qalb It-tfal in aid of the Intensive care unit in Mater Dei.  Our young lads and lasses fished for 3 hours and in the process...
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Mit-Tfal Ghat-Tfal 2016 Fishing Marathon

After last year's success this year KSFA will again be organising a 3hr fishing marathon, aptly called Mit-Tfal Ghat-Tfal. This is none other than a fishing marathon where our young ones will be spend a good 3hrs fishing for a good cause. This year's edition will be to collect funds for Qalb...
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KSFA Singles match 4 - St Angelo Fort

The 4th KSFA singles league match was today held under Fort Saint Angelo in Birgu.  It has been a while since a competition was held there and very much was expected from this venue.  Did it live up to these expectations ? Not really as bites were few and far between.  But by sheer...
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Roberto Bugeja takes top spot in Singles 3

Roberto Bugeja takes top spot in Singles 3. The scene was set for KSFA's singles 3 at il-Foss Valletta, and what a breathtaking scene it was of our beautiful Capital City. But our anglers had another scene in mind, and that being none other then the fishing scene of course. It was a relatively...
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