The Kingfisher 2014 Singles League

The KSFA singles league 2014 is going to begin on the 26th of January. The registration meeting will be held on Thursday 16th at Pieta FC @ 7.00pm. All those who are going to attend and participate in this league need to be present or otherwise inform someone of the committee members prior the meeting. Those attending/participating, need to be there not later than 7.30pm since marshals need to be drawn according to the number of participants. The venues decided for this league are:

Match 1:  Manuel Island (alternate venue Gzira)
Match 2:  Ta Fra Ben (alternate venue Xemxija)
Match 3:  Exiles (alternate venue Sliema)
Match 4:  Birgu Toqba (alternate venue Pixkerija)
Match 5:  Xghajra (alternate venue Birgu Toqba)

Any venue may be changed according to permits that the committee is trying to obtain. If obtained, members will be informed immediately.

Manoel Island ..... good for mullet fishing, all types of rock bottom fish but especially parrot fish

Qawra .... Fra Ben area ..... quite a new venue for KSFA. Not usually fished but looks good for rock bottom fish

Exiles Beach in Sliema ...... very good for wrasses ..... one might opt for float fishing but be aware of high posedonia in some areas

Birgu Toqba .... one of the most unpredictable venues ..... it is either float fishing mullet or speed fishing .... although one might argue it was very good for long casts for bottom fish using a running ledger technique 

Xghajra Zabbar ..... the perfect venue for all types of rock bottom fish and very good for small  mullet in some areas


Do you think KSFA are still the leaders in Sport Fishing Malta?

YES 33 53%
NO 29 47%

Total votes: 62


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The KSFA Tubertini Singles 2015 League

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KSFA Tubertini 2015 Doubles League 2015 Overview

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Team Milo do it again - Nelson and Bugeja with 3 wins in a row

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