The Kingfisher 2013 Annual 3 day fishing tournament

the KSFA Annual 3-Day Tournament this year is going to be held on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of November and will be sponsored by Fishing Fever Rabat importers and distributors of Ellevi fishing products in Malta.


It is going to be a Doubles league.

Fees are going to be for each participant,  20 euro for members (40 euro per team) and 30 euro for non-members(60 euro per team).

Any bait can be used and all types of fish will be weighed. The venues are going to be the following:


Friday 22nd: Birgu Toqba, will meet at 6.30pm, start fishing at 7.30pm till 11.30pm

Saturday 23rd: Manuel Island, will meet at 10.00am, start fishing at 11.00am till 15.00pm

Sunday 24th: Sliema, will meet at 6.00am, start fishing at 7.00am till 11.00am


Birgu Toqba and Sliema may be changed to alternate venues that the committee is trying to obtain permits for. If obtained, we will inform participants later on through email or facebook.


Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall


Thankyou in advance for your participation. A registration meeting will be held prior the beginning of the tournament, which date will be announced later. If possible,please inform someone of the committee as soon as possible if you are going to participate.


Mr fish will also be giving a help to the anglers participating in this tournament by offering a one time offer of 30% on products. In return anglers who benefit from this offer will be given a tshirt and cap which they must wear during the tournament.










KSFA Open Tournament - Fast Fishing 2018 Champion Match 1 Report

Last Saturday 9th KSFA had it's first match of 2 from the new mini Tournament to Crown KSFA's Fast Fisher 2018. At first we were abit reluctant on the amount of competitors since it's a unique technique were not all people like to fish out. Still a good number of 11 competitors registered but...
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KSFA Johnston Singles League 2018 Match 2 Report

  On the 3rd June, qualifier match 2 from the KSFA Johnston Singles League 2018 was held at Manoel Island. Unfortunately not all anglers could come over due to personal problems. Still a total of 12 competitors were quite eager to compete. At 06:30 competition started, most fish being caught...
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KSFA Johnston Singles League 2018 Match 2 Details

  Next Sunday 3rd June 2018 the second match of the KSFA Johnston Singles League shall be held. Competition venue shall be Manoel Island and all anglers shall meet at 5:30am. Competition Time will be from 06:30 till 10:30.   Good luck to All & Tight lines.
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Who is the Champion in Speedfishing?

     There are a lot of different techniques for fishing competition but there is one which surely is a game changer when fishing certain venues, Speed Fishing. Not all anglers like this type of fishing but all those practise it do say that they are the best. This year our Club has...
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Fishing Mania Charters

  When you hear KSFA Malta you know that you can find expert advise on different type of shore fishing techniques. This year KSFA is collaborating with boat fishing expert Piere Galea of Fishing Mania Charters.  They offer a lot of different services mainly being: Half Day Fishing...
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A run through the KSFA Doubles League 2018

  On the 7th January our Club had it's Annual General Meeting and since the KSFA Al Legna Doubles League starts a couple of days afterwards the competitors started chatting about the Doubles League at the dawn of 2018. This year there was a main difference that technically affected all Fishing...
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