Stefan Borg wins mullet match 2

The second match of the Mullet league got underway today. 

After the success of the first match this was also fished at dock 1 on the Senglea side. 

But the Mullet was not really in the mood today and only with great cunning and persistance did our able anglers manage to rope some in, or rather reel some in.

Stefan Borg missed the first match but surly made up for it today by winning 1st place with.840g, in 2nd place we had Darren Stafrace with .570g and 3rd place went to Dorian Formosa with .300g.

The next match is scheduled for the 9th November, venue still to be announced.



Nathaniel Attard leaves his mark

KSFA's 2nd mullet match took place today at B'Bugia San Gorg.  This was a very quiet affair with an Easterly wind being the main protagonist, as the saying goes, When the wind is from the East the fish bite least!  And so it was today, but Nathaniel Attard strived against the odds to...
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Mullet League 2nd Match News

Dear All,    As you are surely aware of, this Sunday 25th October 2015 we shall be having the 2nd match of the Mullet league which shall be held in B'Bugia. As usual we shall be meeting at 6.00am next to the local council. Fishing hours between 7.00 - 11.00 am.   Items provided...
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Stefan Borg & Luke Camilleri take top spot in KSFA 3 day Tournament

It was yet again a very keenly contested tournament where some of the top anglers on the Island teamed up to participate in this popular fishing festival. The tournament was held in 3 different venues and different times of day and night.  The first match took place on Friday 26th September...
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Nelson triumphs again as Charles Caruana makes his comeback!

The Mullet league set out on its way today, with the first match being fished at M'Xlokk.  Adrian Nelson has again shown one and all what a superb angler he is, by placing first overall in the first mullet match of this season, he is the reigning champion and looks like he plans to retain this...
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Mit-Tfal Ghat-Tfal A Success Story

  On Sunday 30th August after a lengthy break from organising charity events KSFA came back with a bang, in the shape of a fishing marathon aptly called Mit-Tfal Ghat-Tfal, translated freely to English reading “ From the Children to the Children”, and that is exactly what  it...
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