Sandro Zammit wins in Xghajra

In pure hot summer conditions but with some good Eastern currents yesterday's Kingfisher's match was held in Xghajra.

This match was also part on the National Federation of Sport Anglers 2013 National League in which KIngfisher SPort Fishing Association and Blue Sea Angling CLub are competing to present the national team for Malta to participate in Italy 2014 European Championships.


First place was Sandro Zammit with a superb catch of 4.23kgs of nice sized fish mainly sea breams and a good number of parrot fish.

Second on the day was Clayton Camilleri with 1.83kgs of mixed bottom fish, while Adrian Nelson placed third with 1.63kgs of small mullets.


The 2013 singles league and first  part of the National Federation League will end up with next Sunday's match in Manoel Island. 




KSFA Annual General Meeting

  The KSFA Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Sunday 8th January 2012 .... 8.30am Pieta FC The annual General Meeting will be the event in which  to decide the league formats of 2012. Come and have your say, vote and participate lively in sport fishing discussion All...
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2011 Highlights of Sport Shore Fishing in Malta

Kevin Cassar gets the mullet man of the year fishing the last match in MXlokk u typical bolognese style with very fine floats and fishing line ..... Kevin also experienced his very first national angling sport fishing competition as he was well placed in the World Championships 2011 but the...
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Final Decision for Marshall's match

Further to a situation that arose due to unforseen circumstances which saw the marshall's match to be fished by 12 anglers as opposed the required 16 anglers, the comittee has considered the fact that all singles paid anglers irrelevant of wheter present at the venue or not will have their peg...
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Stefan Borg re-opens the title race

  This was the third singles match of the season; being quite decisive. Everyone was excited to fish for the first time in Bieghi this season. As the horn blew at 7, poles and rods were casted immediately, hoping they could land some nice bottom fish. Early in the match, it could be...
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KSFA Annual Christmas Lunch at Dolmen Hotel

The Kingfisher Sport Fishing Association 2011 yearly Christmas lunch will be held at Dolmen Hotel on the 13th December in the Menhir restaurant at 12.00pm.   Booking till 8th December 2011   Price is Adutls 20eur each, kids (5-11yrs) 5eur each.   For bookings email...
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