Sajda Istrina 2012 - NFSAM Malta

Nhar il Hadd 28 ta' Ottubru gewwa ir-rahal ta Birzebbuga sejra tigi organizzata sajda b'risq l-Istrina 2012.


Niltaqghu hdejn il-monumnet ta' Bush u Gorbachov fil-5.00am ..... Nixtiequ naraw il-membri kollha tal-KSFA prezenti




Adrian Nelson retains title of Mullet King

  Today KSFA members fished the last mullet league match, at M'Xlokk seafront. It was a gorgeous day, with bright sunshine and calm winds. At least this morning most of our anglers landed mullet of various sizes, with Saviour Borg landing a specimen mullet of 750g, and taking 1st place overall...
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Mullet match 3 goes to Joseph Ellul

Mullet Match 3 goes to Joseph Ellul. The mullet keeps eluding our Kingfishers time and again, as this was yet another match where mullets were practically non-existent. Does the mullet perhaps know that were he to bite, he would be no match for our KSFA anglers ? Well if that is the case we must...
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Save on Shipping .... get your new fishing gear online

You Shop…we ship!™ service has become synonymous and well-known with the local on-line shopping community. Our services cater for individuals who prefer to shop on-line. The service provides a flexible and cost effective logistical solution for on-line shoppers purchasing from overseas retailers;...
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