This morning we had the first match of the National Federation Sports Anglers Malta League. Unfortunately due to north eastern swells both chosen & alternative venue could not be fished. The organisers discussed another venue and Birgu Toqba was chosen.
Due to the above...
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In a week's time our Club shall participate in the National Federation league. This league is based on 4 matches, 2 float matches & another 2 open matches. This league is competed between all 4 Officialy Registered Clubs and is as a Team & Individual basis...
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Aaron & Maverick Continue from where they left off last Season
The KSFA Doubles League got under way on the 2nd February 2020. A total of 12 teams have registered for this competitive league, match 1 being held at Manoel Island facing Valletta on a beautiful sunny morning...
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Next Sunday 02nd February the KSFA Doubles League 2020 shall commence. This year a total of 12 teams have registered for this league.
Venue that shall be fished is Manoel Island facing Valletta side.
We shall be meeting at 05:45am infront of the gate. Competition time will be...
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KSFA Mullet League Kicks off as Miguel Grech notches first Win.
An unusual January start for the mullet league today reaped dividends as all anglers had a great time. This was fished at St Georges Bay Birzebbuga, where no less then 20 anglers and 6 marshals took part, in their brand...
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Next year KSFA shall be celebrating it's 25 Years Anniversary and we shall be having anothor massive sponsor to the ones we had this year. Angler Thinkfish & Colmic Italia Spa. With this sponsorship all members shall benefit from a clothing package worth over Euro 250 per angler...
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Golden grey mullets on strike yesterday as discussions for better bait fail. Just Mario Marlow & Sandro Cohen were the only 2 KSFA anglers who satisfied the mullets criteria, placing 1st and 2nd respectively. Mario managed 2 mullets with a total weight of .730Kgs with his special...
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On the 13th October KSFA hosted it's second mullet League match in St. Julians.
Jonathan Aquilina had a great day placing 1st overall with 1.850Kgs, catching a good quantity of smallish to medium mullets. His first hour of the competition was quite staring but from then on they started...
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On the 15th September the KSFA Mullet league 2019 started with Match 1. This year's league instead on the usual 4 matches we had an increase to 5 matches. Sponsors for this year's league are Cisk , Angler Center & Marindex Trophies.
Today's match was held at the picturesque...
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During the last 3 days 22 competitors teamed up in 11 teams and competed for this year's 3 day tournament.
27th Sepetember - Valletta Waterfront - 19:00 till 23:00
Competitors fished Valletta Waterfront where most fish caught on the day where...
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This Sunday 15th September the Mullet league shall start. A total of 17 anglers have registered till now. Vouchers per match shall be Euro 50 , Euro 40 , Euro 30 for the Top 3 anglers. Final Overall Vouchers shall be Euro 75 , Euro 60 and Euro 50 for the Top 3 Positions. We wish...
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Today dawned a cloudy morning, which set the stage for Match 2 of the Singles Finals League that had to declare this year’s singles league champion. And pride of place this year went to Fortune Calafato, who also managed to win both Final Matches in the process, runner up was Maverick...
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This morning the 10 finalists of the Singles Johnston league battled it out at Sliema Ferries, unfortunately the match had to be stopped prematurely due to unforeseen circumstances and for fairness sake, but it still counts since more then half the match had gone by.
1st Overall today went to...
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On the 4th August KSFA has organised for the first time an Underwater Seabed Cleanup in Marsascala and the annual Charity Event named "Mit-tfal Ghat-tfal" this time in Aid of Puttinu Cares.
It was a long day for our members that came over to help out in both activities since by noon they...
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The NFSAM has put forward a strong 5 man team of anglers, which qualified though last years champonships, to represent Malta in this year's European Float Fishing Championships.
The Maltese team is composed of 5 anglers and they shall be fishing at Porto Torres, North of Sardegna for the...
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Today under the scorching sun, the KSFA Johnston Singles League Match 3 was held on the rocky open sea of Xghajra. After the disappointing results of Match 2 were weights were really poor, expectations this time around were high since this was the first time this year that the weather...
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Fortune & Gilson have a field day of 7.45kgs.
What had to be doubles match 3 fished in February cancelled due storms, was fished today and what a day it was with the sea at Zonqor Point just having a slight surface breeze on it. Fish caught was abundant and in the mood of...
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In a week's time the KSFA Johnston Singles Singles League 2019 shall commence. This league is different from the Doubles league were it is divided in 2 parts. The first four competitions are on weight basis system with no sections. It should be noted that an angler can skip any of these matches...
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Yesterday the 3rd match of the Federation League was held at Birgu Toqba. It was quite a good day for our Club managed to win 3 sections out of 4. These sections were won by Raymond Farrugia, Sandro Cohen & Carmelo Quattrochhi. As it is now from the Overall Top 7 Classification our...
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Newcomers Coleiro brothers win KSFA Doubles Match 5
This morning, the 5th match of the KSFA Doubles League 2019 had to be held at Zonqor Point. Unfortunately there was still a big swell and therefore it was decided that the match shall be held at Birzebbuga. Pegs were drawn and all anglers went on...
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