Roberto Bugeja earns KSFA another win in the National Federation League

With 2.19kgs of fish mainly breams caught on live worms .... Roberto Bugeja managed and secured a first place as KSFA angler in the third match of the 2012 league. The event was held in Senglea as part of the 2012 Senglea Day activities.


In 2nd place classified Speditu Cassar from Blue Sea Angling Club with 1.75kgs fish out of which he caught the biggest fish of the day netting a nice glithead weighing 500gms.


3rd place goes for John Attard with a 1.66kgs 






KSFA Malta links on

KSFA linked their webpage with as this will help our association in further local recognition.   One can find our listing here .............
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Singles Match 2 postponed due to very bad weather

Match 2 of the KSFA singles league 2011 was cancelled this morning due to very bad weather conditions.   It was a very brave decision form the chief marshall on the day Kevin Cassar to cancel the event, since it was very risky to carry out the fishing competition in thunder and lightning...
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