Roberto Bugeja earns KSFA another win in the National Federation League

With 2.19kgs of fish mainly breams caught on live worms .... Roberto Bugeja managed and secured a first place as KSFA angler in the third match of the 2012 league. The event was held in Senglea as part of the 2012 Senglea Day activities.


In 2nd place classified Speditu Cassar from Blue Sea Angling Club with 1.75kgs fish out of which he caught the biggest fish of the day netting a nice glithead weighing 500gms.


3rd place goes for John Attard with a 1.66kgs 






Doubles League match 2 news

Next doubles match nr.2 will be held on 13th May 2012 in Vittoriosa Creek (toqba Birgu)   Due to an unforseen problem that this match was scheduled on mother's day we will be fishing an hour earlier to end up at 10.00am   So the fishing time will be meeting 5.00am start fishing...
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Puttinu Event 2012

For the second year Puttinu Cares Gozo commitee is organizing again the Annual Fishing Competition.   The event will be taking place at Valletta Waterfront on the 21st of April 2012. Teams of 4 members each team will be taking part in the following competitions:   Club,...
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Malta National Federation of Shore Anglers News

  As you are all aware this year the NFSAM will be holding 4 matches + 1 marshalls match that shall be held on the following dates:   Match 1 . 15th April  Match 2. 10th June Match 3. 10th September Match 4. 14th October Marshals match. 25th...
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