Roberto Bugeja earns KSFA another win in the National Federation League

With 2.19kgs of fish mainly breams caught on live worms .... Roberto Bugeja managed and secured a first place as KSFA angler in the third match of the 2012 league. The event was held in Senglea as part of the 2012 Senglea Day activities.


In 2nd place classified Speditu Cassar from Blue Sea Angling Club with 1.75kgs fish out of which he caught the biggest fish of the day netting a nice glithead weighing 500gms.


3rd place goes for John Attard with a 1.66kgs 






Tubertini KSFA Doubles Match4 news

This year's KSFA Doubles League has already passed the half way mark. Team Milo consisting of Roberto Bugeja & Adrian Nelson are leading the table followedclosely by the newcomers Lyon & Pierre Galea. Next Tuesday 31st March 2015 the 4th match is going to take place on the quay of the...
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Nelson and Bugeja yet another win and leading the Doubles League

KSFA's 3rd doubles match finally got underway this morning, with yet again another change of venue. Since Senglea proved very difficult to fish due to too many obstacles, in the shape of buoys and ropes.  So venue was transferred to Birgu Toqba.  As usual for this time of year the fish...
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Venue change for KSFA Tubertini Doubles 3rd match

KSFA will be holding its 3rd doubles match on Sunday 15th March. This had to be originally held at Boiler Wharf in the picturesque City of Senglea but due to unforeseen circumstances, this venue had to be changed. But KSFA still decided to keep true to Senglea, as now it has been decided that this...
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