Roberto Bugeja earns KSFA another win in the National Federation League

With 2.19kgs of fish mainly breams caught on live worms .... Roberto Bugeja managed and secured a first place as KSFA angler in the third match of the 2012 league. The event was held in Senglea as part of the 2012 Senglea Day activities.


In 2nd place classified Speditu Cassar from Blue Sea Angling Club with 1.75kgs fish out of which he caught the biggest fish of the day netting a nice glithead weighing 500gms.


3rd place goes for John Attard with a 1.66kgs 






KSFA singles 4th Match news

The 4th match for the KSFA Singles league 2015 is now due this Sunday 5th July.This event shall be held at Boiler Wharf, Senglea were we shall be meeting at 5.30am. Fishing hours between 6.30 - 10.30 am.Vehicles will only be allowed on loading and unloading basis and therefore please...
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Carmelo Quattrocchi is back

On the 17th of May the KSFA 2nd singles league competition was held, this time in at Pixkerija, in Valletta. After the pegs were drawn and bait was distributed, the match started at 7am were anglers opted between paternoster rigs, running ledger and Bolognese fishing techniques. Some anglers even...
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You Shop We Ship Goes Fishing

Ever wondered of getting your reels over from UK?Afraid of purchasing a good fishing rod online beacuse of too high shipping costs?You found a good bargain on a seatbox but you're being charged too much for shipping?Some good fishing shops online from where you can benefit from wonderful...
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