Results for the open Birzebbuga match ... in aid of ISTRINA 2012

A successfully held event in which a good numbers of shore anglers from Blue Sea, Denci, Fishing Fever (ELLEVI MALTA) and Kingfisher Clubs all competed together all for a good cause of gathering some money for Istrina 2012.


The event was held by the National Malta of Sea Anglers in collaboration with The Birzebbuga local council.


Weather was rough and fishing turned out to be mostly on floats ..... John Attard won the local trophy of the Best Birzebbuga Angler 2012 with a good catch of over 4kgs of mullet.


In 2nd place Adrian Nelson also fishing local waters earned a podium with just over 2kgs of mullet.


While in 3rd place Willie Mintoff a veteran in Blue Sea Angling Club and also a Birzebbuga good fishing lad with a good knowledge of the area.


The event was a full catch and release match with all participants being presented with a free keepnet from Mister Fish before the match.



Clayton Camilleri Leading the Singles League

After the first match of the singles league 2011 in Senglea, former 2009 champion Clayton Camilleri is in top position.   Next Matches are scheduled:     Match 1 – senglea 25th sept 2011  SENGLEA = Chief John Attard + Joe Schembri & Brian...
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