Report - KSFA Colmic Mullet League 2023 Match 1
09/07/2023 13:45

John Attard Wins a close Mullet Match as Sandro Cohen registers first biggest fish!
A total of 18 competitors have registered for this year's Mullet league, most of which are KSFA members with a couple of anglers from other clubs too.
Veteran John Attard after a very quiet start this season has sprung back to take 1st Place in today’s first mullet match, with 1.469Kgs. He was closely followed by Carmelo Quattrocchi who was pegged right behind him with 1.236kgs. One could hear these two in a very friendly banter throughout the match tease each other, when either one or the other caught a fish, each keeping tally of fish caught. For the record the final score was JA 22 CC 20
Sandro Cohen placed 3rd overall with 0.867kgs. He also registered the biggest fish being just over 500grms.
We would like to thank the Sponsors of this league Angler Thinkfish, Marindex Trophies & Laferla Insurance.