Registration Meeting for Singles 2013 and Federation League 2013

Dear members,

A  meeting shall be held at the B'Bugia Local Council at (6:00PM) on Wednesday 3rd April for the registration to the singles and federation leagues. Anyone who is going to participate but is not able to attend the meeting shall contact someone from the committee before the meeting begins, since the amount of participants needs to be known before the marshals are drawn.  


Annual General Meeting 2015

Today the 4th of January 2015 KSFA held its annual general meeting at Pieta football Club for which we are forever greatful to them. It was revealed that our sponsor for this year will be Tubertini Malta who besides discounted vouchers will be offering KSFA members a 20% discount on purchases from...
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Mullet League 2014 roundup and presentation in Vivaldi Hotel

Some interesting venues were chosen for this year's mullet 2014 league  One must say it was quite a change in methods for every single venue due to depth of venues fished. First two matches were held in the new Senglea Waterfront Darren Stafrace with some good catch on running float in...
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