Registration Meeting for Singles 2013 and Federation League 2013

Dear members,

A  meeting shall be held at the B'Bugia Local Council at (6:00PM) on Wednesday 3rd April for the registration to the singles and federation leagues. Anyone who is going to participate but is not able to attend the meeting shall contact someone from the committee before the meeting begins, since the amount of participants needs to be known before the marshals are drawn.  


KSFA Singles match 4 - St Angelo Fort

The 4th KSFA singles league match was today held under Fort Saint Angelo in Birgu.  It has been a while since a competition was held there and very much was expected from this venue.  Did it live up to these expectations ? Not really as bites were few and far between.  But by sheer...
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Roberto Bugeja takes top spot in Singles 3

Roberto Bugeja takes top spot in Singles 3. The scene was set for KSFA's singles 3 at il-Foss Valletta, and what a breathtaking scene it was of our beautiful Capital City. But our anglers had another scene in mind, and that being none other then the fishing scene of course. It was a relatively...
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