Puttinu Event 2012

For the second year Puttinu Cares Gozo commitee is organizing again the Annual Fishing Competition.


The event will be taking place at Valletta Waterfront on the 21st of April 2012.

Teams of 4 members each team will be taking part in the following competitions:


Club, Organization, Shop Title. Shield for 1 year. Trophy to be kept.
Team Title. Trophies 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place.
Doubles Title. Shield for 1 year. Trophies 1st, 2nd & 3rd place.
Singles Title. Shield for 1 Year. Trophies 1st, 2nd & 3rd place.
And also the biggest fish. Trophy.

The entry fee is Euro50.00 each team and as you can see will be competing in 5 events.

While we would like to thank all the partecipating we also wish to thank our sponsors and also the Valletta Water Front.

Event starts 4.30pm till 10.00pm

For any information please call 99493351 or 79092959.


Find enclosed document for printing to participate in the event


Puttinu Cares Gozo Annual Fishing Competition 2012 (1).docx (31,1 kB)



Topic: Puttinu Event 2012

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