Poulton and Pace do it again


Daryl Pace and Pierre Poulton stole the show again this beautiful morning, after their success in the previous match in Isla today they were again in the limelight in the third doubles match held at Gzira.

This match was held in Gzira as the original venue, Bighi was inaccessible.

They placed first with a weight of 1.42Kgs, mostly with bottom fish, and even registered the biggest fish of the day a Morlin of 280g.

In close second Stefan Borg and James Micallef with 1.26kg and third place went to Steve Johnston and James Gilson with 930g.

Section winners were Adrian Nelson and Robert Bugeja in section A with .860g and Jonhatan Aquilina and Carmelo Qattrocchi in section B with 780g.

Next match, doubles 4 will be held in Sliema on the 24th March.



2016 Annual Presentation

Singles League Champion Adrian Nelson   Mullet League Champion Bjorn Brincat The Trophies  Biggest Mullet 2016 Joseph Ellul  2nd Place SIngles Overall Joseph Ellul  3rd Overall Singles 2016 ex champion Clayton Camilleri  Jonathan Vella placing 1st in international event...
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John Attard makes the most of a quiet Day

  Today Sunday 20th November was the day when KSFA`s third mullet league match was held.  It started off bright and early at 0700, where over 25 anglers were expected to take part, but the inclement weather of the previous days must have had its toll as quite a few anglers did not show...
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FIMA groundbaits from Mister Fish

    FIMA is considered to be one of the leading groundbait companies in Europe.    It has several types of grounbait to cater for many different species of fish in the Maltese islands.    Choose FIMA for better angling results! Only from Misterfish!
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