Pierre Poulton and Darrell Pace win the KSFA Doubles League 2013

The doubles league for this year came to an end, but what a league it was, uncertain who the winners would be to the very last match.

This league was won by Pierre Poulton and Daryl Pace who collected the least penalty points 7 and showed most consistency.

Franklin and Darren came second but only after bouncing back from the Gzira match which saw them garnish 6 penalty points from that match.

But then came the last 2 matches where they only collected 2 penalty points for a total of 9 point from 4 matches, a great comeback by any standards.

Third overall are John Attard and Joe Schembri also with a total of 9 penalty pts. but in such circumstances, the decision of who comes 2nd or 3rd is taken on the most weight landed by the teams involved.

The doubles league this year had more than its fair share of ups and downs but perhaps that is what made it all the more interesting.



KSFA Johnston Singles League 2018 Match 3 Details

  Next Sunday 24th June, the 3rd Match of the KSFA Johnstons Singles League is due and the venue shall be at Boiler Wharf  Senglea. We wish to remind you all that the KSFA clothing should be worn. We shall be meeting at 05:30am and competition time will be from 06:30am till...
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#TB to KSFA Singles 2006

  Time flies! KSFA Singles League 2006, 8 matches composed the league that year and a total of 33 anglers had competed.   Match 1 was fished at Sa Maison and was won by Lawrence Scicluna with a weight of 1.16Kgs closely followed by John Attard with 1.14kgs. The last place on the podium...
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KSFA Open Tournament - Fast Fishing 2018 Champion Match 1 Report

Last Saturday 9th KSFA had it's first match of 2 from the new mini Tournament to Crown KSFA's Fast Fisher 2018. At first we were abit reluctant on the amount of competitors since it's a unique technique were not all people like to fish out. Still a good number of 11 competitors registered but...
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KSFA Johnston Singles League 2018 Match 2 Report

  On the 3rd June, qualifier match 2 from the KSFA Johnston Singles League 2018 was held at Manoel Island. Unfortunately not all anglers could come over due to personal problems. Still a total of 12 competitors were quite eager to compete. At 06:30 competition started, most fish being caught...
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KSFA Johnston Singles League 2018 Match 2 Details

  Next Sunday 3rd June 2018 the second match of the KSFA Johnston Singles League shall be held. Competition venue shall be Manoel Island and all anglers shall meet at 5:30am. Competition Time will be from 06:30 till 10:30.   Good luck to All & Tight lines.
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