Pierre Poulton and Darrell Pace win the KSFA Doubles League 2013

The doubles league for this year came to an end, but what a league it was, uncertain who the winners would be to the very last match.

This league was won by Pierre Poulton and Daryl Pace who collected the least penalty points 7 and showed most consistency.

Franklin and Darren came second but only after bouncing back from the Gzira match which saw them garnish 6 penalty points from that match.

But then came the last 2 matches where they only collected 2 penalty points for a total of 9 point from 4 matches, a great comeback by any standards.

Third overall are John Attard and Joe Schembri also with a total of 9 penalty pts. but in such circumstances, the decision of who comes 2nd or 3rd is taken on the most weight landed by the teams involved.

The doubles league this year had more than its fair share of ups and downs but perhaps that is what made it all the more interesting.



Charles Grech and Fortune Calafato win the marshall's doubles

Final match for the doubles 2013 league was held today in Sa Maison marina in excellent weather conditions.    Fortune Calafato and Charles Grech won the day with an overall weight of 1.8kgs of breams some of which where 2 nice sized giltheads and the rest mainly annular breams and...
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Jason Saliba deservedly clinches first singles match

Today the 7th of April ushered in two very important leagues. The KSFA singles league and the National league.   In fact today`s match was valid for both leagues, as it was held in conjunction with BSea Sports fishing assoc also an NFSAM member. In all some 47 anglers participated in this...
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Marshall's list for Singles League 2013

Here's an updated list for marshalling the singles league 2013 .......   First match scheduled for Xghajra Zabbar alternative Birgu Toqba. This year's Singles League will be fished as a joint league with the National Federation League and thus venue information can not be provided at this time...
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