Adrian Nelson is KSFA Mullet Champion

The last mullet match of this season was held in glorious weather and crystal clear waters at Manoel Island yacht yard, and today the 23rd day of November Adrian Nelson was confirmed KSFA`s Mullet champion. 

And he is very much worthy of this title being 1 of only 2 anglers who managed to catch the most elusive mullet in every match fished, the other being Clayton Camilleri who placed second and also winning the biggest fish in the process, a mullet of .680kgs. 

Third place went to James Gilson. 
In this morning`s match Stefan Borg took 1st place with 1.33kgs, followed by Robert Bugeja in 2nd place with .970kgs and Clayton Camilleri 3rd with .640kgs. 

Thank you all Kingfishers it has been a great tournament!







Clayton Camilleri Runner Up and Winner of Biggest Mullet 2015

James Gilson 2nd Runner up



Results for the open Birzebbuga match ... in aid of ISTRINA 2012

A successfully held event in which a good numbers of shore anglers from Blue Sea, Denci, Fishing Fever (ELLEVI MALTA) and Kingfisher Clubs all competed together all for a good cause of gathering some money for Istrina 2012.   The event was held by the National Malta of Sea Anglers in...
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Stafrace confirms magic period - singles match 4 in Manoel Island

STAFRACE CONFIRMS MAGIC PERIOD ..... match report by Kevin Cassar     Following the first place obtained in the KSFA Annual Tournament when teaming up with Franklin Formosa and the first podium in last Singles Match 3, Darren Stafrace managed to confirm his form by clinching his...
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Andre Borg wins the Sliema Ferries singles

The match day for the mid-season singles match was characterized by a strong breeze and gusty waters. “Perfect weather for a fishing session”. However this proved to be the opposite.   The anglers struggled to hook their first fish of the day. Adrian Nelson and Andre Borg started some...
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Sajda Istrina 2012 - NFSAM Malta

Nhar il Hadd 28 ta' Ottubru gewwa ir-rahal ta Birzebbuga sejra tigi organizzata sajda b'risq l-Istrina 2012.   Niltaqghu hdejn il-monumnet ta' Bush u Gorbachov fil-5.00am ..... Nixtiequ naraw il-membri kollha tal-KSFA prezenti    
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