Adrian Nelson is KSFA Mullet Champion

The last mullet match of this season was held in glorious weather and crystal clear waters at Manoel Island yacht yard, and today the 23rd day of November Adrian Nelson was confirmed KSFA`s Mullet champion. 

And he is very much worthy of this title being 1 of only 2 anglers who managed to catch the most elusive mullet in every match fished, the other being Clayton Camilleri who placed second and also winning the biggest fish in the process, a mullet of .680kgs. 

Third place went to James Gilson. 
In this morning`s match Stefan Borg took 1st place with 1.33kgs, followed by Robert Bugeja in 2nd place with .970kgs and Clayton Camilleri 3rd with .640kgs. 

Thank you all Kingfishers it has been a great tournament!







Clayton Camilleri Runner Up and Winner of Biggest Mullet 2015

James Gilson 2nd Runner up



A good sponsor line up for Kingfisher Sport Fishing Leagues 2014

As from the start of this year Kingfisher members will start benefiting from different fishing tackle outlets    Fishing Frenzy of Zabbar is the latest shop pledging their help towards sponsoring the KSFA leagues 2014   As from the start of this year winners of any vouchers in the...
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The Kingfisher 2014 Singles League

The KSFA singles league 2014 is going to begin on the 26th of January. The registration meeting will be held on Thursday 16th at Pieta FC @ 7.00pm. All those who are going to attend and participate in this league need to be present or otherwise inform someone of the committee members prior the...
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Italian Carmel Quattrocchi wins KSFA Mullet League 2013

The KSFA 2013 mullet league sponsored by Tubertini was won today with the final match being fished in Sa Maison.   Today's match was not very good due to the bad weather we had yesterday    Fortune Calafato managed only 2 small mullets weighing a total of 0.290kgs which put him in...
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