Nathaniel Attard leaves his mark

KSFA's 2nd mullet match took place today at B'Bugia San Gorg. 

This was a very quiet affair with an Easterly wind being the main protagonist, as the saying goes, When the wind is from the East the fish bite least! 

And so it was today, but Nathaniel Attard strived against the odds to manage a comfortable 1st place, followed by Kevin Cassar, with Stefan Borg taking the 3rd Spot. 

Next match will be on the 22nd November.

A huge thank you as usual goes to our main sponsor, Tubertini Malta!


The 2014 Kingfisher Sport Fishing Association Singles League

Fortune Calafato started the year in full blast as he won the first singles match catching a nice 2.6kg of pajsan. Fortune was also featured during the year in various Italian magazines .... He is presently sponsored by Angler Centre in Malta with the very lucrative brand of Colmic. It was Sandro...
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2015 AGM gearing up for KSFA 2015

First of all, the KSFA committee would like to thank everyone for the excellent year we had together with all its ups and downs, which only show the dedication and interest of every member to this wonderful sports club. As most of us know, it was a fantastic year with lots of achievements, like...
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