Mullet match 3 results

Once again for the 3rd consecutive time htis year match no3 for mullet league was held in Gzira front.


Day turned out to be very unsucessful with only 3 anglers out of 17 fishing on the day netting mullet.


John Attard placed 1st while Pierre Poulton and Adrian Nelson came 2nd and 3rd respectively.


The final match of this league will be held in December and will deicide who will be the Mullet man 2013.




Carmelo Quattrocchi is back

On the 17th of May the KSFA 2nd singles league competition was held, this time in at Pixkerija, in Valletta. After the pegs were drawn and bait was distributed, the match started at 7am were anglers opted between paternoster rigs, running ledger and Bolognese fishing techniques. Some anglers even...
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You Shop We Ship Goes Fishing

Ever wondered of getting your reels over from UK?Afraid of purchasing a good fishing rod online beacuse of too high shipping costs?You found a good bargain on a seatbox but you're being charged too much for shipping?Some good fishing shops online from where you can benefit from wonderful...
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