Mullet match 3 results

Once again for the 3rd consecutive time htis year match no3 for mullet league was held in Gzira front.


Day turned out to be very unsucessful with only 3 anglers out of 17 fishing on the day netting mullet.


John Attard placed 1st while Pierre Poulton and Adrian Nelson came 2nd and 3rd respectively.


The final match of this league will be held in December and will deicide who will be the Mullet man 2013.




Clayton Camilleri crowned Mullet Champion 2017

Clayton Camilleri crowned Mullet Champion 2017! This morning the 3rd of December the sun rose to a crisp cold morning, and only the anticipation of a good final mullet match, helped to keep KSFA’s mullet anglers warm. The league was still wide open so today’s match was really a gran finale. This...
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KSFA Mullet League 2017 Match 3

Stefan Borg returns with a bang! KSFA anglers this morning the 5th of November spent the morning trying to catch one of their favorite fish in mullet match 3. Unfortunately the mullets did not seem to be so hungry! But still it was an enjoyable morning, with Stefan Borg stealing the show and...
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KSFA Mullet League 2017 Match 2

Newcomer Ray Farrugia bags 1st Place in Mullet Match 2. The venue had to be shifted from the original rocky part adjacent to Freeport due to lack of space for the 17 mullet anglers, to ST Georges Bay also in B`Bugia. The bites were few and far between, and it took great patience and skill to lure...
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Joseph Ellul Il Gower and Andre Borg maintain slim lead to win KSFA 2017 tournament. Andre and Il Gower are this years  tournament winners after they managed to keep hold of the slimmest of leads winning this years fishing festival by a mere 180g over their nearest rivals Charlo Borg and...
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