Mullet match 1 results

Today KSFA anglers took part in the first match of the mullet league. 

This was held at Senglea dock. It proved to be quite an interesting match as most of the anglers managed to land at least a decent mullet. 

In 1st place we had Clayton Camilleri with 1.14kgs, closely followed in 2nd place by John Attard with 1.08kgs and in 3rd place James Gilson with .720kgs. 

The biggest mullet registered was of Clayton Camilleri at .600kgs.


The KSFA 3 day open tournament latest news .......

6 teams already subscribed for the KSFA 2011 OPEN 3 day tournament. One particular team is the Blue Sea Angling Club which will be fielding a 4 man team for this tournament.   So far these are the entries:   Charles Grech  Joseph Ellul James Micallef Lorry...
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