Mullet makes all the difference as Joe Schembri & John Attard steal the show.

It was a beautiful dawn this morning with the sun reflecting on looming rain clouds, making the sky a stunning orange red. 

This was the stage set for the 2nd KSFA doubles match at Manoel Island. 

The anglers picked up their bait at 0600 and proceeded to their allotted pegs. At 0700 the horn was sounded and in unison the lines were cast in the calm waters of Manoel Island. 

It was immediately evident that it was going to be a tough match, as the fish were not in a great biting mood, something quite alien for this venue and this trend continued throughout the match, but there was one exception, the mullet on peg 11. 

Joe Schembri and John Attard decided to go for mullet and were rewarded with some nice specimen, catching 7 in all and combined with a few bottom fish finished first with 1.87kgs. 

The mullet continued to dominate as Alex Genovese and Pierre Poulton also landed a nice mullet which helped in no small measure to give them 2nd place with 1.16kgs.

And in 3rd place also with some help from the mullet we had Kevin Cassar and Salvu Borg.

Some parrot fish were also landed but these were mostly small and few.

Section winners were: Stefan Borg and Luke Camilleri and Andre Borg and Joseph Ellul.

After the match winners were presented with vouchers and medals.

A big thank you goes to Tubertini Malta our sponsor, who also donated a 5m pole. 

A raffle was drawn after the match with Andre Borg being the lucky winner of this great pole.


Next match is scheduled for the 15th March. See you there.


John Attard and Joe Schembri winners with 1.87kgs on float fishing


KSFA DOUBLES TEAMS 2015 in Manoel Island Venue


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