Mullet League 2nd Match News

Dear All, 


As you are surely aware of, this Sunday 25th October 2015 we shall be having the 2nd match of the Mullet league which shall be held in B'Bugia. As usual we shall be meeting at 6.00am next to the local council. Fishing hours between 7.00 - 11.00 am.


Items provided will be:


§ Farka

§ 100 grams prawns

§ 2 kilos Cefalo

§ 1 kilo Semiumido ground bait (tad-Dahna)


No additives can be added to the bait provided.






KSFAs doubles league gets underway as Josef and Miguel win in style

KSFAs doubles league got underway today with the first match of the season being held at Bahar Ic Caghaq, in the open sea.  Much was expected of this venue but unfortunately most of the fish caught were small bottom fish mainly Rainbow Wrasse (Gharajjes).  It was a glorious day the...
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The KSFA Doubles League 2014

12 teams have been registered for the 2014 Kingfisher Doubles League.   Marshalls list will be as follows .....    Chief Marshals: Match 1: Roberto Bugeja/Adrian Nelson Match 2: Saviour Borg/ Kevin Cassar Match 3: John Attard/ Joe Schembri Match 4: Andre Borg/ Darren Stafrace Match 5...
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A closer look at - Ramon Vella ex KSFA angler

Name: Ramon Vella Date of birth: 4th July 1973     What are your views regarding how would an ideal sport angler be in our island? First of all I would like to thank you Adrian for inviting me for this interview. Hope that my responses will serve as feedback for those new sport anglers...
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Misterfisherman - A dream come true for Josef Camilleri

We all have our dreams.  We all have high hopes and wishes for a more fulfilling future.  I have mine.  Sadly though, not all of us are lucky enough to see our dreams take a real form, to be able to see them, touch them and savor their real meaning in our own lifetime.  But some...
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