Mullet League 2014 roundup and presentation in Vivaldi Hotel

Some interesting venues were chosen for this year's mullet 2014 league 

One must say it was quite a change in methods for every single venue due to depth of venues fished.

First two matches were held in the new Senglea Waterfront

Darren Stafrace with some good catch on running float in Senglea Creek. Darren is sponsored by Tubertini Malta.


match 1 was won by Clayton Camilleri who returned to sport fishing after an absence of nearly 2 years from the sports.

match 2 was won by Stefan Borg who also had a short break after his great years in which he won a Singles champion with KSFA.


In both these 2 matches anglers had to adopt mostly to the fixed float 7mtr and 8mtr rods, together with the running float method to make up for 6-7mtr of depth in the area.


Stefan Borg adopted well the polaris float method to have the best of the others.

Stefan Borg mastering the Polaris technique in Malta .......


Third match was tough as it was fished in Mgarr Harbour Gozo.

Adrian Nelson won the match bagging over 30 mullets which helped him win the title for 2014 mullet man.

Adrian Nelson angler team Malta. Has always placed amongst top five anglers in Malta, won the federation league in 2011 and represented Malta in float fishing for 3 consecutive years in Italy, Spain and Italy 2014. Presently he is sponsored by Ellevi Baits of Lorenzo Valvassura.

Clayton Camilleri grabs 2nd overall and winning the biggest fish with a nice mullet of 700gms from Mgarr Gozo

James Gilson placing third in the overall standings

Adrian Nelson winning top spot for 2014 Mullet League 


Adrian Nelson is KSFA Mullet Champion

The last mullet match of this season was held in glorious weather and crystal clear waters at Manoel Island yacht yard, and today the 23rd day of November Adrian Nelson was confirmed KSFA`s Mullet champion.  And he is very much worthy of this title being 1 of only 2 anglers who managed to...
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KSFA final mullet match - Manoel Island Yacht Yard

Manoel Island Yacht Yard a locality never fished before will be the venue for KSFA's next and last mullet match.  Hopefully this should produce some nice fish.  The match will be held on 23rd November.  As usual we meet at 0600 and fish from 0700 till 1100hrs.    Tight...
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Adrian Nelson bags over 30 mullets in KSFA`s third mullet match.

Adrian Nelson bags over 30 mullets in KSFA`s third mullet match. Mgarr Gozo was the backdrop for this mornings mullet Match, with our anglers have mixed fortunes.  Nelson was in top form today managing over 30 mullets for a total weight of 4.55kgs, no mean feat at all for such a...
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Vintage Kingfishers win National Float Fishing League

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50 Hour non stop music marathon

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Stefan Borg wins mullet match 2

The second match of the Mullet league got underway today.  After the success of the first match this was also fished at dock 1 on the Senglea side.  But the Mullet was not really in the mood today and only with great cunning and persistance did our able anglers manage to rope some in, or...
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Doubles League Presentation At Café Du Brazil

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Mullet match 1 results

Today KSFA anglers took part in the first match of the mullet league.  This was held at Senglea dock. It proved to be quite an interesting match as most of the anglers managed to land at least a decent mullet.  In 1st place we had Clayton Camilleri with 1.14kgs, closely followed in 2nd...
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KSFA 2014 - 12 hour fishing charity event in Marsascala

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Kids Fishing Activity

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KSFA Tubertini Doubles League Match 3 Details

  Match Details This Sunday 23rd February we shall be having Match 3 from this year's Doubles league.  Venue: Qawra Point (below Cafe Del Mar) Alt Venue: Qawra ( below Qawra Palace Hotel)  Meeting Time: to be confirmed Competition Time: to be...
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Report - KSFA Tubertini Doubles League Match 2

  John Attard & Sandro build more on the Winning Momentum. Last Sunday we had the Doubles League Match 2 that had to be fished at Exiles Sliema. Unfortunately like the previous match the weather wasn't favourable and the big swell made the venue dangerous to fish. Thus it was decided to...
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