Moray Eeels Steal the show as Adrian Nelson and Robert Bugeja Triumph.

KSFa doubles match 3 today the 12th of March 2017 at Birzebbugia was dominated by 2 large Moray Eels landed by Adrian Nelson, which were more than enough to win the team first place with no less than 3.32kgs, with one of the eels registering at over 1.6kgs! 

In 2nd place we had Miguel Grech and John Attard who managed to catch a good amount of small bottom fish with 2.07kgs and in 3rd place also mostly with bottom fish Joseph Ellul and Andre Borg. 

Section winners were John Azzopardi and Sandro Cohen from Section B and Jonathan Vella and David Collins from section A.

Thanks go to Mister Fish our official main sponsor.

Next match is an NFSAM match on the 26th March. Come on KSFA!


A run through the KSFA Doubles League 2018

  On the 7th January our Club had it's Annual General Meeting and since the KSFA Al Legna Doubles League starts a couple of days afterwards the competitors started chatting about the Doubles League at the dawn of 2018. This year there was a main difference that technically affected all Fishing...
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Who is going to win the KSFA Double League 2018 ?

    Tomorrow at Xghajra we shall be having the final Competition from this year's Doubles League.3 Teams are still battling the Championship Spot. The team composed from Jason Saliba & Jonathan Aquilina have a slight advantage over the other two teams composed from Joseph Ellul /...
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Throwback to Year 2010 with Classifications

  Clayton Camilleri, Mario Marlow, Fortune Calafato have won a league or more 8 years ago, and all of them seem to be hungry for more.   Doubles League 2010   A total of 12 teams had registered. During that time the league was on 6 matches, one of which as marshall and the...
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