Mit-Tfal Ghat-Tfal 2016 Fishing Marathon

After last year's success this year KSFA will again be organising a 3hr fishing marathon, aptly called Mit-Tfal Ghat-Tfal. This is none other than a fishing marathon where our young ones will be spend a good 3hrs fishing for a good cause.

This year's edition will be to collect funds for Qalb It-tfal, an organisation dedicated to the National Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (NPICU) at Mater Dei. This is open to all children between the ages of 6 to 14, which must be accompanied by an adult.

The registration fee will be of 5euros all of which will go towards this noble cause. The event is to be held at Marsascala Promenade with the kind collaboration of the Marsascala Local Council.

All participating children will be given a commemorative medal, as well as a gift in the shape of a fishing rod, and snacks and water during
the marathon.

Entertainment will also be on site.

The marathon is scheduled for this 28th August between 5pm and 8pm, but all are urged to site to offer tips to our young

Those wishing to attend or who require more information
please phone:

79057238 or 77050624.


KSFA Johnston Singles League 2018 Match 3 Details

  Next Sunday 24th June, the 3rd Match of the KSFA Johnstons Singles League is due and the venue shall be at Boiler Wharf  Senglea. We wish to remind you all that the KSFA clothing should be worn. We shall be meeting at 05:30am and competition time will be from 06:30am till...
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#TB to KSFA Singles 2006

  Time flies! KSFA Singles League 2006, 8 matches composed the league that year and a total of 33 anglers had competed.   Match 1 was fished at Sa Maison and was won by Lawrence Scicluna with a weight of 1.16Kgs closely followed by John Attard with 1.14kgs. The last place on the podium...
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KSFA Open Tournament - Fast Fishing 2018 Champion Match 1 Report

Last Saturday 9th KSFA had it's first match of 2 from the new mini Tournament to Crown KSFA's Fast Fisher 2018. At first we were abit reluctant on the amount of competitors since it's a unique technique were not all people like to fish out. Still a good number of 11 competitors registered but...
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KSFA Johnston Singles League 2018 Match 2 Report

  On the 3rd June, qualifier match 2 from the KSFA Johnston Singles League 2018 was held at Manoel Island. Unfortunately not all anglers could come over due to personal problems. Still a total of 12 competitors were quite eager to compete. At 06:30 competition started, most fish being caught...
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