Mister Fish news - Get ready for the Albacore 2012 offshore tournament Malta


Willamson Lures World Records ....

View the latest world records here.


As a young boy growing up in Africa, the story has it that John Williamson loved fishing. His only setback was bait. Sitting in his boat on a sunny morning a glint caught his eye. It was the aluminum foil his sandwiches were wrapped in.

This started him thinking. It wasn't long before he fashioned a rig using aluminum foil.

He cast it out, gave it a few jerks as it sank beneath the water and before his eyes a King Mackerel exploded out of the water with the lure firmly hooked in it's mouth. He instantly knew his bait problems would soon be over.


Day after day, John could be found in his dad's garage making and testing lures. It was this remarkable determination that help build the Williamson brand.

Growing from strength to strength, from humble beginnings Williamson has become one of the world leaders in the manufacturing of offshore trolling lures. Williamson continues in its quest for Quality, Innovation and Perfection as demonstrated year after year with trendsetting product introductions.


You can see the full range of Williamson lures and jigs in the Mister Fish Facebook group




Malta's Favourite Rapala Firetiger bestseller for Albacore








Pierre Poulton and Darrell Pace win the KSFA Doubles League 2013

The doubles league for this year came to an end, but what a league it was, uncertain who the winners would be to the very last match. This league was won by Pierre Poulton and Daryl Pace who collected the least penalty points 7 and showed most consistency. Franklin and Darren came second but only...
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Float Fishing final matches news ......

Dates for the National Federation Float Fishing matches have been announced     Saturday 27th July from 5pm - 9 pm Saturday 24th August from 5pm  - 9pm  Sunday 22nd September from 7.00am - 11.00 am   Venues will be announced later.   The National Federation League will...
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Charles Grech and Fortune Calafato win the marshall's doubles

Final match for the doubles 2013 league was held today in Sa Maison marina in excellent weather conditions.    Fortune Calafato and Charles Grech won the day with an overall weight of 1.8kgs of breams some of which where 2 nice sized giltheads and the rest mainly annular breams and...
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Jason Saliba deservedly clinches first singles match

Today the 7th of April ushered in two very important leagues. The KSFA singles league and the National league.   In fact today`s match was valid for both leagues, as it was held in conjunction with BSea Sports fishing assoc also an NFSAM member. In all some 47 anglers participated in this...
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