Marshall's list for Singles League 2013

Here's an updated list for marshalling the singles league 2013 .......


First match scheduled for Xghajra Zabbar alternative Birgu Toqba.

This year's Singles League will be fished as a joint league with the National Federation League and thus venue information can not be provided at this time due to some locations on which the Federation Committe is working to achieve some special permissions.


Match 1
Alex Genovese
Joseph Ellul
Sandro Zammit
Robert Attard

Match 2
Salvu Borg
Fortune Calafato
James Gilson
Dorian Formosa

Match 3
Steve Johnston
Darren Stafrace
Franklin Formosa
Neville Vassallo

Match 4
Robert Bugeja
Brian Farrugia
Pierre Poulton
Kevin Cassar
Jason Saliba

Match 5
John Attard
Lorry Scicluna
Adrian Nelson
Clayton Camilleri
Joe Schembri


Nathaniel Attard leaves his mark

KSFA's 2nd mullet match took place today at B'Bugia San Gorg.  This was a very quiet affair with an Easterly wind being the main protagonist, as the saying goes, When the wind is from the East the fish bite least!  And so it was today, but Nathaniel Attard strived against the odds to...
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Mullet League 2nd Match News

Dear All,    As you are surely aware of, this Sunday 25th October 2015 we shall be having the 2nd match of the Mullet league which shall be held in B'Bugia. As usual we shall be meeting at 6.00am next to the local council. Fishing hours between 7.00 - 11.00 am.   Items provided...
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