Malta National Federation of Shore Anglers News


As you are all aware this year the NFSAM will be holding 4 matches + 1 marshalls match that shall be held on the following dates:
Match 1 . 15th April 
Match 2. 10th June
Match 3. 10th September
Match 4. 14th October
Marshals match. 25th November
Medals shall be awarded for the 1st 2nd and 3rd match winners and trophies (and vouchers in case of sponsors) shall be awarded for the 1st,2nd and third overall winners. A a federation embroidered badge shall be distributed to all participants.
Match 1  
Venue: Mellieha under Sta. Earia Estate  weather permitting
Alternative Venue - Manoel Island
Meet 6.00 am
Fishing time 5 hrs
Spain 2012
As most of you are aware, the FIPS-Mer shall be organising the angling with float from harbour installations championship during the first week of October. Anyone interested in participating in this event is invited to attend the NFSAM members meeting to be held on the 11th of April.
Members Meeting - Wed 11th April
A members' meeting shall be held on the 11th of April at the Pieta FC at 7.00pm.
During the meeting:
Fees shall be collected for the Federation league
An explanation of the League format and point system shall be held.
A preview of the european championships
A list of all interested Federation members to participate in the european championships shall be taken.
It is to be noted that priority shall be given to the memebrs that have participated with success in last years' Federation league.

Topic: Malta National Federation of Shore Anglers News

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KSFA 2011 Singles League 2nd match

  Next Sunday 16th October is the day for the 2nd match of the KSFA 2011 Singles League.   The venue chosen is Bighi Kalkara.   Meeting time: 6.00am   Fishing Time: From 7.00am till 11.00am   Chief marshall is Kevin Cassar and other...
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The KSFA 3 day open tournament latest news .......

6 teams already subscribed for the KSFA 2011 OPEN 3 day tournament. One particular team is the Blue Sea Angling Club which will be fielding a 4 man team for this tournament.   So far these are the entries:   Charles Grech  Joseph Ellul James Micallef Lorry...
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New forum page

please note that the forum that started last week on the Homepage was moved to another page on this website.   Due to these changes all posts from last week were lost!    
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