KSFA Tubertini doubles 3. Miguel Grech and Mark Zarb steal the show!

It was a bitterly cold showery morning that greeted our anglers today, but this did not deter them from giving their all.

Perhaps more was expected from todays venue in St Georges Bay St Julians, do not get me wrong it was quite good really but could have been better.
Miguel Grech & Mark Zarb were the main stars today weighing in at 2.91kgs even catching a nice Salema (Xilpa) on worms with a paternoster rig!

In 2nd place we had Joseph Ellul fondly known as Il Gower and Andre Borg with 2.2kgs, who managed to land a nice rare Menguz and

In 3rd place Pierre Poulton and Clayton Camilleri.

 Section winners were Section A: Fortune Calafato & James Gilson.
Section B: John Attard & Joe Schembri.

Next match 31st March, venue Shipbuilding, but may be subject to change.

Thanks to our main sponsor Tubertini Malta, and also Farstone Construction & Restoration Ltd for the doubles league trophies.


Famalco Group partners with KSFA for 2015

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Second doubles league match venue is out

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Best of the Best for KSFA Doubles 2015

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KSFA Tubertini Doubles League 2015 news

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