KSFA to participate in the Puttinu Annual Fishing Match 2013



After the interest shown by most of the members to compete in the competition for puttinu that is going to be held next sunday at Laboratory Wharf, the committee decided that we will participate for the competition but still holding to the KSFA rules that were chosen during last EGM, with the only difference that it will be of 5 hours instead of 4. Since it would be unfair for those that should have been marshals, they we also compete next sunday but will have to not compete in the last match( as otherwise they would have an extra weight and points). thus, the rules will be the following:


1. no ckall and no cawl

2. all members will be competing including the ones who were to be marshals. the ones that should have been marshals, instead will marshal last match

3. competition will be of 5 hours 

4. a high visibility vest is required, those without will not compete( this is the PORT regulation).

5. every member must have his own keep-net (barrada). 

6. a fee of 12.50euro per person for puttinu



Venue: Laboratory Warf

Meet: 6am Start 7am to 12pm

Prizes: Club Shield & Trophy

Team 1st, 2nd & 3rd

Doubles: shields for 1st and trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

Singles: shield for 1st. Trophies for 1st 2nd and 3rd.

Biggest Fish trophy.



KSFA Cisk Mullet Match 1 Report - John Attard Winner of Match 1

  On the 15th September the KSFA Mullet league 2019 started with Match 1. This year's league instead on the usual 4 matches we had an increase to 5 matches. Sponsors for this year's league are Cisk , Angler Center & Marindex Trophies.   Today's match was held at the picturesque...
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KSFA 50th Bistro 3 Day Tournament 2019

  During the last 3 days 22 competitors teamed up in 11 teams and competed for this year's 3 day tournament.      27th Sepetember - Valletta Waterfront - 19:00 till 23:00   Competitors fished Valletta Waterfront where most fish caught on the day where...
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KSFA Cisk Lager Mullet 2019 League

     This Sunday 15th September the Mullet league shall start. A total of 17 anglers have registered till now. Vouchers per match shall be Euro 50 , Euro 40 , Euro 30 for the Top 3 anglers. Final Overall Vouchers shall be Euro 75 , Euro 60 and Euro 50 for the Top 3 Positions. We wish...
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Fortune Calafato wins this year's Johnston Singles League 2019

  Today dawned a cloudy morning, which set the stage for Match 2 of the Singles Finals League that had to declare this year’s singles league champion. And pride of place this year went to Fortune Calafato, who also managed to win both Final Matches in the process, runner up was Maverick...
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KSFA Johnston Singles League 2019 Finals - Match 1

This morning the 10 finalists of the Singles Johnston league battled it out at Sliema Ferries, unfortunately the match had to be stopped prematurely due to unforeseen circumstances and for fairness sake, but it still counts since more then half the match had gone by. 1st Overall today went to...
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