KSFA Singles League 2014 marshalls list and rules

To all those participating,


Today there was the registration meeting for the singles league, with a good number of participants, that will be of 25 anglers. 


Apart from the amount of participants, something that i felt happy about, is the registration of a young new member in our club.

After the registration, the marshals where drawn.

As mentioned in our league regulations, according to the number of participants, there will be a Chief Marshal and 4 marshal per competition accept for the first match, werte there will be 5 marshals and a chief marshal. These are:


Match 1 Manuel Island : Alex Genovese, Pierre Poulton, Roberto Bugeja, Kurt Poulton, Saviour Borg

Match 2 Ta Fra Ben : Robert Attard, Jonathan Aquilina, Jonathan Bonnici, Fortune Calafato, Darren Stafrace

Match 3 Sliema Exiles : Steve Johnston, Brian Farrugia, Adrian Nelson, Sandro Zammit, Dorian Formosa, Mark Zarb

Match 4 Birgu Toqba : Jonathan Vella, Josef Cassar, Gareth Farrugia, Clayton Camilleri, Joseph Ellul

Match 5 Xghajra : Carmelo Quattrocchi, Miguel Grech, Silvio Zahra, John Attard, Kevin Cassar, James Gilson



Competition rules are divided in three (3) sections, Competition rules, Marshall’s Rules and Rules or Regulations according to latest AGM.

Competition rules:

• Competitions will be held at a location which would have been decided earlier by the committee. Competitions moved to alternative venues may be decided by the chief marshal or committee members before the beginning of the competition.

• Competition’s starting and finishing time will be decided and advised by the committee. Delays at starting may be needed and decided by the chief marshal of the day. Late comers may compete at their own disadvantage.

• All competitors must remain at their seating positions during the competition and nobody is allowed to move away unless nature calls and with the marshal being advised.

• Competitors may stop any time during a match. The marshal should be advised before leaving and the weight up to that time is taken. If a competitor stops, he/she is not allowed to throw the remaining ground baits or bait, into the sea.

• A distance of not less than 5 metres will be kept between competitors, depending on the location.

• No ground bait or keep nets can be thrown in the water before the competition starts.

• Depth finding before the competition begins is allowed.

• Nobody is allowed to help the competitor in any way, as landing or unhooking a fish, borrow equipment or bait, etc... unless it is a doubles competition.

• A degree of seriousness and self discipline will be kept at all times.

• Each competitor may use only one (1) rod of his/her choice during the competition, but can have many others be prepared and held near.

• Not more than two (2) hooks may be used with each rod.

• Artificial lures can be used but with only single hooks and a maximum of two (2) hooks.

• Double or treble hooks are not allowed to be used.

• The marshal should be informed by the competitors if any fish is brought as bait. These should have their tail cut if alive or head removed if dead.

• Snails, crabs, cuttlefish, octopus, squids or any other unfish like form will not be weighed in.

• Eels and sea rays will be weighed.

• Marshals may ask to check within a competitor’s bag.

• All competitors are to use keep nets and every effort must be done to keep the fish alive.

• If the fish swallows the hook completely, the line must be cut.

• In rocky areas and when impossible to use keep nets, all competitors must have a bucket not less than 20L.

• Nobody is allowed to touch a competitor’s keep net.

• At the end of a competition, nobody is allowed to move from his/her position until the fish have been weighed in.

• 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall + section wins are awarded for each match in the single’s and double’s league.

• At the end of each league, 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall are awarded.
• Presentation of prizes and trophies will be held during a presentation after each league according to sponsorships or otherwise decided by the committee.

• When in a competition 2 or more competitors of the same section or when choosing the overalls, have equal weights, (pairing of points) the same points are given and the next point will be removed.

• If any fish for the biggest fish category is to be weighed, the competitor will decide which to weigh in at the end.

• The biggest fish category may be entered by advising the marshal, who in return makes a note of the name and weight of the fish.

• If a fish is caught towards the end of a match, the competitor will have up to 15 minutes extra to land the fish.

• All live fish must be released after weigh-in, whilst those dead should be removed and not thrown into the sea.

• All competitors must leave their fishing positions clean and correctly dispose of any rubbish.

• A set of rules must be given to each member when registering for the first time.

• In the double’s league only, one can help his partner.

• In the single’s league, if a competitor is absent for any reason, he will be awarded the *maximum penalty points.

• In the double’s league only, if one of the competitors is absent, the other may fish with 2 rods concurrently alone. If both are absent, they will be given the *maximum penalty points.

• If during a competition, by any occurring circumstance, it needs to be stopped, if half of the competition time had passed, the weight of fish caught needs to be taken and will count as the final result. However, if half of the competition time is not reached, the competition will be cancelled and another competition date shall be organized to compensate to it. In such a situation, the marshal must record the time at which the competition stopped.

• Any competitor not following the rules shall be disqualified from the competition, but has the right to appeal to the disciplinary board within five (5) days of grievance.


Marshal’s Rules:


• When marshalling a match, one should give the appropriate time to each competitor at weighing in, without hurry and avoiding mistakes. The measuring scale should be held from the provided string as otherwise a difference in the appropriate weight may occur.

• In any case or situation, a competition cannot be considered officially part of the single's or double's league unless at least one marshal is present. Only the mullet league matches can go against this rule. A member of the committee or someone given the responsibility by the committee if no one is present, must first weigh his/her catch and then continue with the other members weigh-in.

• Marshals have the right to ask for checking within a competitor’s bag.

• If a marshal is absent when it is his/her turn, he/she will not be eligible to fish the marshal’s match.

• If a marshal is absent for any marshal’s match, he/she will be subject to respond to the disciplinary board.

Rules and Regulations according to latest AGM

• Any bait may be used during competitions including crayfish (ckall).

• Damsel fish (cawl), is allowed to be weighed

• Since this year there is not going to be a main sponsor, any clothing/sponsoring material of personal sponsors is allowed.

* maximum: for this year, since the sections are made of 6 competitors, the penalty for not attending is 6+1 that is 7. This is the equivalent of the previous 0 when we had the other point system.


Singles and Doubles League format


The committee should meet prior a registration meeting to choose the venues and issue a fee for the league.

Before the beginning of the league a meeting should be organised so that competitors/teams can be registered. One can call a member of the committee or advise someone who is going to attend the meeting in order to register himself or his team, if he/she is not able to attend the meeting. This is the maximum chance that a member can have in order to compete in a league; no registrations shall be accepted afterwards. The maximum amount of competitors/teams per section must be decided by the committee after the amount of participants is obtained.

When the number of registered anglers/teams is obtained, it is divided by the number of matches previously discussed or voted for during an AGM/EGM. This will establish the amount of marshals per match. If the number of marshals per match is not equal, the remaining is drawn between the number of competitions so that every angler/team will compete in the same number of competitions and be a marshal in one.

The venue of the marshal’s match should be chosen or drawn from the venues that had been decided for the other matches.

During the competition:

Pegs will be according to the number of paid/registered members/teams, as numbers Ex: from 1-25. Every peg will be drawn on the date before the beginning of each match.

The marshal/s will divide the amount of sections according to the number of present competitors/teams not before 2 hours from the beginning of the competition. Sections are divided from peg number 1 onwards, abiding to the following table:

No of anglers/teams Section A Section B Section C Section D Section D
7 4 3  
8 4 4  
9 5 4  
10 5 5  
11 6 5  
12 6 6  
13 5 4 4 
14 5 5 4 
15 5 5 5 
16 6 5 5 
17 6 6 5 
18 6 6 6 
19 5 5 5 4
20 5 5 5 5
21 6 5 5 5
22 6 6 5 5
23 6 6 6 5
24 6 6 6 6
25 5 5 5 5 5
26 6 5 5 5 5
27 6 6 5 5 5
28 6 6 6 5 5
29 6 6 6 6 5
30 6 6 6 6 6   

Since we are applying a penalty point system, the competitor/team of each section will be given the following points:

Placing in each section Number of penalty points
1st 1
2nd 2
3rd 3
4th 4
5th 5
6th 6

Anyone who does not attend to a competition without a valid reason or without the go ahead of the committee will be given 7 penalty points.
In the case that he/she/team should have been marshal and did not attend, 7 penalty points will be given and he /she/team will not be allowed to fish during the marshal’s match. In the doubles league only, if only one of the team is not present, the attending marshal can compete during the marshal’s match alone but with the possibility of using two rods.

The champion/s of the league is decided by the least number of penalty points.

When there are two or more competitors/teams with the same points, placing in any position is decided according to:

1. the highest weight
2. the number of 1st overall
3. the number of 2nd overall
4. the number of 3rd overall
5. the number of section wins

A presentation of the trophies and vouchers will be decided by the committee according to the sponsorship of the league. Members will be informed by the committee as the time approaches at the end of each league.

Mullet League Format

The Mullet League competition venues are decided by the committee during a committee meeting prior a member’s registration meeting. This league has a different format from the others since it is based on a weight point system, thus the one who has the largest weight at the end of the league, wins. Most of the rules and regulations are the same as those of the singles and doubles leagues accept for the main fact that only mullet will be weighed, of any size.

In this league there are no marshals, mostly since it is considered as a “friendly” league, however, the place of the marshal is taken by a committee member or anyone appointed by the committee, who should first weigh his/her catch and then proceed in weighing the other competitor’s fish.

Rules apart those mentioned previously for the other leagues:

• 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall are awarded for each match and at the end of each league, 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall are awarded.

• Since there is no marshal, any decisions that need to be taken in relation to change of venues due to, bad weather conditions or doubts about the place that was chosen to be fished, may be taken by the present members by means of a majority after voting on the occurring issue.



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