KSFA Singles League 2012

A registration meeting will be held next week on 

tuesday 21st August at 7.00pm at Pieta FC


A schedule of venues as below for the singles league 2012



Match 1 Bieghi
Match 2 Valletta Pixkerija
Match 3 Sliema
Match 4 Manoel Island
Match 5 Isla
Marshalls  Bil-polza.


All those interested to participate but can not make it to registration meeting may do so by contacting Kevin Cassar on 99404936 by not later than 21st August 2012




KSFA Colmic Singles League 2021 Registration Details

  It is that time of the year when we shall commence the Singles League. This year due to Covid 19 restrictions we had in the previous months and loss of competition dates we shall be shifting the league to sections / points format instead of the Qualifiers and Finals as had been in these last...
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