KSFA Singles League 2012 match 2

Singles match 2 is for next Sunday 23rd september 2012 at Pixkerija

Meet 6am ........ start 7am -- 11am

Marshalls  - Steve Johnston James Micallef Darren Stafrace



Jason Saliba & Jonathan Aquilina draw first blood in KSFA doubles 2018

 Match # 1. Today the 28th of Jan 2018 ushered in the first doubles angling match of the new season. This was held at Manoel Island. It was a beautiful day with a light to moderate South Easterly wind and hardly a cloud in the sky. This first match as expected, between 8 brilliant teams was...
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Clayton Camilleri crowned Mullet Champion 2017

Clayton Camilleri crowned Mullet Champion 2017! This morning the 3rd of December the sun rose to a crisp cold morning, and only the anticipation of a good final mullet match, helped to keep KSFA’s mullet anglers warm. The league was still wide open so today’s match was really a gran finale. This...
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KSFA Mullet League 2017 Match 3

Stefan Borg returns with a bang! KSFA anglers this morning the 5th of November spent the morning trying to catch one of their favorite fish in mullet match 3. Unfortunately the mullets did not seem to be so hungry! But still it was an enjoyable morning, with Stefan Borg stealing the show and...
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