KSFA Singles League 2012 match 2

Singles match 2 is for next Sunday 23rd september 2012 at Pixkerija

Meet 6am ........ start 7am -- 11am

Marshalls  - Steve Johnston James Micallef Darren Stafrace



Famalco Group partners with KSFA for 2015

Famalco Group was set up in the early 1990s to consolidate a thriving fruit business established over 50 years ago. Since then, the group has been constantly expanding, both horizontally and vertically, increasing business opportunities, and attaining greater achievements. It is branched into...
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You Shop We Ship - Another partner for KSFA

You Shop…we ship!™  Our service has become synonymous and well-known with the local on-line shopping community. Our services cater for individuals who prefer to shop on-line.    The service provides a flexible and cost effective logistical solution for on-line shoppers purchasing...
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