KSFA Singles League 2012 match 2

Singles match 2 is for next Sunday 23rd september 2012 at Pixkerija

Meet 6am ........ start 7am -- 11am

Marshalls  - Steve Johnston James Micallef Darren Stafrace



2012 - Highlights of Sport Shore Fishing in Malta

KSFA ...... what a year ...... an eventful year full of top level competition. It's either you hate it or you're into it with full blast ..... that is what compeition fishing is all about. It's more of exchanging fish catches with medals and trophies won by the most versatile and sometimes...
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John Attard National Champion 2012 in shore fishing

John Attard a keen angler from Birzebbuga has made it for the very first time as a national champion for 2012 shore fishing league organised by the National Federation of Sport Anglers Malta.   John won the last match in Ta Xbiex marina on Sunday that entitled him to just one point...
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