KSFA Mullet League 2013

Mullet registration meeting to be held next Thursday at pieta fc @7.00pm

Anyone taking part in this league needs to attend or confirm with someone of the committee till Thursday so that the number of participants is known as venues may need to be chosen according to the amount of participants.


Competition dates:


1st match - Sunday 8th September

2nd match - Sunday 20th October

3rd match - Sunday 10th November

4th match - Sunday 1st December




Only mullet is eligible for weight

No minimum fish sizes

All fish must be kept alive (catch and release)

Reel rods and pole rods may be used (no minimum or maximum rod length sizes)

Maximum of 2 hooks on each trace

Bait is free and any type of bait may be used

Overall winners will be declared according to weight accumulated in all matches fished

Venues will be decided according to the number of participants

Landing of fish using landing nets can only be performed by the competitor with no aid from other parties

hook sizes - free

fishing method - free (both ledgering and float fishing)


*N.B - KSFA committee will have the right to change any dates, add rules and modify other matters which may interfere with the policy of the association*




Mullet League 2013 .....

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Are you participating in Mullet 2013 League?

YES 75 59%
NO 23 18%

Total votes: 128


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