KSFA 2016 TUBERTINI Doubles League .... 12 superteams registered

Preparations are well under way for kick off the 2016 most awaited doubles league.

With registrations now closed a total of 12 teams have been registered.

First match will be held at the Manoel Island most probably the part facing Valletta as wind is forcasting strong NorthWest.


However there may be some changes with the fishing zone being changed to facing Sliema Fortina Resort as wind direction may change.

This will be decided by the chief marshalls on the day.


This year it is looking to be a great task for one to place amongst the first three on the podium as well known anglers have teamed up in very good teams.

Below will be the list to be followed with marshalling the matches: 


Match 1:- Pierre Poulton & Clayton Camilleri 

Mark Zarb & Miguel Grech 


Match 2:- Andre Borg & Joseph Gower Ellul 

Jonathan Vella & David Collins 


Match 3:- Roberto Bugeja & Adrian Nelson 

Robert Attard & Adrian Zahra 

Luke Bullit & Luke Borg 


Match 4:- John Attard & Joe Schembri

James Gilson & Fortune Calafato 

Stefan Borg & Luke Camilleri 


Match 5:- Kevin Cassar & Saviour Borg

Brian Farrugia & Jonathan Bonnici


This year for the second in a row the league will be fished again using same baits for everyone with the pack for every team being


  • 3kg of pre-packed Tubertini ground bait
  • 2kg of Tubertini grounded sardine
  • 400grms of frozen shrimps
  • 3 boxes of  Select maxi korean worms
  • 1 Farka (pane treccia Pearl)
This again will prove the best of the best as it is mostly the angler's skill that mostly will determine the final result.




IMPORTANT - KSFA Summer Clothing

As we are entering in mid-March the committee is going to order the summer polo shirts. As you should all know as from this year it's compulsary to wear the club's clothing during the competitions. Therefore do please contact someone from the committee to have your polo reserved for you. If you are...
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KSFA Doubles Match 3 Report - Bjorn, Miguel & the small mullets

It must have been around 3am when most of the anglers, started stretching limbs, and cracking their eyes open, the first thought probably being, why the hell did the alarm go so early, but suddenly, eyes fully open and wide awake. Gozo doubles match 3! Off to catch the 0545am ferry. It was a...
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KSFA New Facebook Page

We wish to advise all our followers that we have created a new facebook page so that you can follow us through facebook page. Official Facebook page is www.facebook.com/ksfasportsfishing/?ref=br_rs   Hit the Like Button & Share!
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KSFA hits fresh Water Fishing - Ragusa

It was early in the day on Saturday 3rd March were 7 KSFA anglers met up at the Virtu Ferries to catch the 5am ferry to Pozzallo. Almost a 2 hour trip discussing the plans for the weekend and its highlight on Sunday. Beautiful blue skies were awaiting and we immediately headed to the hotel, greeted...
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KSFA Doubles League Match 3 Details

  We are getting close to the 3rd match of the KSFA Doubles League 2018. This match shall be held on the 11th March 18 at Xlendi Gozo. We shall be fishing the peaceful Xlendi bay in Gozo, boarding the Gozo Channel ferry of 05:45am. It's important to be punctual if you want to start the...
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KSFA Anglers in new adventure of fresh water Match Fishing.

KSFA anglers will be trying their hand at something completely new, at least for most of them. As this coming weekend they will be taking the ferry across to Sicily to participate in a trout fishing competition. This will be a first for KSFA, and hopefully will not be the last. This competition is...
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NFSAM Match 1 Results

Today the 25th February the National Federation Sports Angling Malta League started. In total this league has 4 matches, 2 open matches & the other 2 float only. The first match was held at Boiler Wharf in Vittoriosa as an Open Match. All 25 anglers met at 5.15am, sections were drawn and...
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New Sponsor

We wish to thank Yield 247 for being a new major sponsor for KSFA.  www.yield247.com      Also we wish to remind all our members to support all entities that are supporting our organisation for...
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