KSFA 2014 - 12 hour fishing charity event in Marsascala

This year the KSFA is going to organize a charity event in aid of those children in the Neo-natal and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (NPICU), in collaboration with Qalb it-Tfal. This event will consist of a 12 hour fishing Marathon held at M'Scala Promenade from 8.00am till 8.00pm, on the 28th of September, during which a fund raising campaign will be held by Qalb It-Tfal with the help of various entertainement, and the money donated to the same organization so that equipment or what is currently necessary for those children in the NPICU at Mater Dei can be donated.

The event apart from being a competition will have the main aim of helping those children in need. It will be a doubles competition, with a fee of 20euro per team. The rules will be those currently used in the KSFA Leagues, which can be found on our website: ksfamalta.com but with no restrictions on sizes of fish or the bait used.

Hope we will have a great response, from the public and also from other members of the other Sport Fishing clubs in Malta, keeping in mind that this will be a charity event in aid of those children just born and might need some help.


All those companies and businesses that would like to contribute by sponsoring or helping in the event may conatct Roberto Bugeja on 79703785


You Shop We Ship - Another partner for KSFA

You Shop…we ship!™  Our service has become synonymous and well-known with the local on-line shopping community. Our services cater for individuals who prefer to shop on-line.    The service provides a flexible and cost effective logistical solution for on-line shoppers purchasing...
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Second doubles league match venue is out

After the success of the first doubles league match kindly sponsored by Tubertini Malta, the month of February heralds in an eagerly anticipated venue for KSFA`s second doubles match.  This will take shape in the form of Manoel Island Gzira certainly a favourite with our anglers. The match is...
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Best of the Best for KSFA Doubles 2015

13 teams registered for this year's 2015 Kingfisher Sport Fishing Association's Malta doubles league.   Below is the list of marshalls according to the match dates.     Chief Marshal Marshals Match 1 Andre Borg/ Joe...
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KSFA Tubertini Doubles League 2015 news

  The KSFA Doubles League 2015 will start on the 25th of January, with the first match being held at Valletta Waterfront. Venues of the other matches will be announced later since the committee is working on possible new venues according to permits that we may obtain. As decided during our...
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Annual General Meeting 2015

Today the 4th of January 2015 KSFA held its annual general meeting at Pieta football Club for which we are forever greatful to them. It was revealed that our sponsor for this year will be Tubertini Malta who besides discounted vouchers will be offering KSFA members a 20% discount on purchases from...
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Mullet League 2014 roundup and presentation in Vivaldi Hotel

Some interesting venues were chosen for this year's mullet 2014 league  One must say it was quite a change in methods for every single venue due to depth of venues fished. First two matches were held in the new Senglea Waterfront Darren Stafrace with some good catch on running float in...
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The Doubles 2014 Kingfisher Sport Fishing League

12 teams were registered for the Doubles League Josef Cassar and Miguel Grech started the league well when netting more than 2kgs of small mullets from Bahar Ic-Caghaq in the first match. Then it was again the unstoppable pair Brian Farrugia and Sandro Zammit who neared the 6kgs from Manoel...
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The 2014 Kingfisher Sport Fishing Association Singles League

Fortune Calafato started the year in full blast as he won the first singles match catching a nice 2.6kg of pajsan. Fortune was also featured during the year in various Italian magazines .... He is presently sponsored by Angler Centre in Malta with the very lucrative brand of Colmic. It was Sandro...
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